Saturday, September 20, 2014

One month into classes.

Well, we're on four weeks of graduate school. I think that is  pretty good milestone. :] Things are going well so far.

It's Saturday, so I guess it's as good a time as any to reflect on my week.

Hmm. On Monday I was up early assisting with the general psych class. Funfunfun. A representative from the Arctic Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Training Center came by my psychopathology course. I'm super glad I got to experience that. I think I learned a lot from it. Although I have some knowledge of FASD, I think my knowledge was expanded greatly. I definitely think it is something I'll keep in mind- apparently since without any visual indicators FASD can appear as a variety of disorders.

Tuesday was ethics- interesting but uneventful. Well, we were assigned our first critical analysis paper and reminded that our topics for the powerpoint presentations will be due. Originally they were set to be due this coming Tuesday but that due date has since been extended (thank goodness). I would like to examine the dilemma of services that typically serve one gender more often, and the duty they have to still provide help to everyone else. For example, a shelter that helps women dealing with intimate partner violence- the shelter is obligated to provide a safe space for women, but men who also experience IPV are basically screwed. So there is the balance of acting with beneficence to one population-- but also acting non-maleficence. It's tricky. Everyone deserves to feel safe after all. (I realize this world does a lot to convince us otherwise.)

Wednesday, is when I realized I was getting sick. I was at school at 8 to assist with administering an exam. Later, I basically was falling asleep in my Psych testing course. I felt so bad for my professor, who is super duper awesome. I had to grab a coffee before running to office hours (which my professor requested I come to her office for). Apparently my professor is having issues with a student that she believes is acting in an inappropriate manner (probably best not to get into that too much here). So, she had me come to her office in case he came by my area- and he has come by twice.

I went to the graduate student resource fair that was put on my the graduate student association- got some free stuff! And while I was enjoying the pizza and conversation I started to feel that tickle in the back of my throat. Yep. Definitely a cold. Things went down hill from there.

Thursday I felt like a blob. Intervention was helpful and interesting as always, but I was way off my game. My attention and cognitive abilities were...below my norm to say the least. I went and met with my advisor later though. She is always wonderful. Now I guess I have to get going on my lit search though. No excuses!

Oh my friend brought me beer and mead- homebrewed! Nomnomnom.

Aaaand yesterday was just recovery day. Sitting around, writing a little, working a little on grade stuff. Lots of being a bum because I was sick.

Today I feel so, so much better. That said I am currently coughing up a lung. The virus seems to have kicked it but now my body is getting rid of all the excess mucus. D: Gross. Painful. Better than the sluggish feeling of being sick though.

Anyways, I need to go back and rework the essay I worked on yesterday, and get a head start on some other things. Maybe make bacon. So, tata!

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