Sunday, July 13, 2014

Introductions are necessary

So, I've decided to begin a blog. I think I just wanted to document what's going on in my life. It's about to get real busy, ya know? I don't have a lot of opportunities to really vent what's going on in my head, so I think this will alleviate some anxiety.

Anyways, I recently finished up my job as an applied behavior analysis tutor for children on the autism spectrum. Reason being, I'm getting ready to move from Northern California to Alaska.


Because my air force husband got stationed in Alaska. At first I was devastated to learn about this. I was just very confused. I was going to apply to my alma mater's psychological science MA program. It's cool though, cause in the end I got accepted to the MS Clinical Psychology program in Alaska. It's working out for the best.

So, I'm moving to Alaska and starting graduate school next month. Also, I will be unemployed until next month. I was offered a position as a graduate teaching assistant. The professor I will mainly be specializes in the field I was previously working in.

This should be quite the transition. I think I need some winter boots. Probably gloves. At least it's summer still.

Additionally, I've been considering my current research interests. Generally, I'm interested in marginalized groups of people. Ethnic minorities, the LGBT+ population, survivors of intimate partner violence as well as sexual assault. These are areas I'm interested in from a psychological point of view. Today, I was considering what exactly I want to explore within these areas. Perhaps bisexuality/pansexuality (not the same thing but very related) and attitudes toward these groups. Perhaps examining attitudes toward and experiences of trandgender individuals. Basically, the experiences and how others perceive people who might not fit into traditional categories of gender and sexuality perfectly. Just some thoughts I've been having.

My husband caught me pacing through my living room, muttering about this to myself earlier. I probably looked nuts as I paced back and forth in a robe, clutching my coffee, whispering about psychology. Such is life when you marry someone that's going after a career in psychology.

Well, I suppose that's all for now.

I'll continue these disjointed thoughts at a later date. Maybe they'll be less disjointed by then, actually.


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