Friday, July 18, 2014

Moving-- almost

The movers are going to be at my house on Monday.

Pretty crazy.

I got an email this morning reminding me that shipping company would arrive in three business days or less. Goodness. I'm getting pretty impatient. I keep thinking, "I'm so ready to get out of California."

I don't even dislike California! My time in California has, overall, been a great experience. I've done a lot of wonderful things and I've accomplished a lot. I just want to get this move over with with, I guess. Agh.

The past few days have been spent cleaning, working on moving arrangements, and reading a little bit here or there. Also, I think I went a little hard at the gym cause I feel kind of cruddy today. :\

I've received all of the books I need for my first semester as a clinical psychology student. I really want to get started on this new leg of education. [More impatience.] I keep thinking that I need to look over the course syllabi and get cracking on the first assignments, but there aren't any sylllabi up online and my advisor hasn't contacted me at all. I'm probably going to contact her, myself just to make sure I'm not supposed to be doing anything.

Ugh. I feel like I'm in limbo- I'm on my way out but not quite out yet. Like, I'm trying to leave someone's house and my foot is out the door, but they just keep talking to me.

"Bye...yeah. Haha. Okay then. Well..see y...uh uh. Okay. Yeah, yeah..."

You know that feeling?

Awkward, right?

I'm sure the next few days will bring much more excitement.

Also, here's a kitty:

Until next time!

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